Style as

you want

Designed to be your go-to for any occasion. 

Style as

you want

Designed to be your go-to for any occasion. Simply layer your favorite clothes underneath, add accessories and transform your kimono from a breezy summer style to a sophisticated statement outfit.

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One solution

for your vacation

One solution for

your vacation

on a beach.png__PID:b80e93aa-550b-46d6-beb3-63ac86cfd893

On a beach

on a yacht.png__PID:93aa550b-f6d6-4eb3-a3ac-86cfd893bd92

On a yacht

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In a restaurant

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Morning serenity

Morning serenity

Pair your kimono with a simple tank top and jeans for a chic and effortless look. oR STAY IN Silk pajama for a bohemian start of the day.

Meet with your bestie in the coffeshop /
Go to the bakery to get your morning croissant/ 
Walk with your furry friend 

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Pair your kimono with a simple tank top and jeans for a chic and effortless look. 

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Start your day right

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Silk dress + slingbacks + kimono

Meet with friend

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kimono + tank top + jeans or palazzo pants

Grab a coffee

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Silk dress + miu miu shoes + kimono

Go to a bakery

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tank top + pajamas + gold or pearl necklace

Afternoon sonata

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Layer your kimono over a silk blouse and palazzo pants for effective and catching outfit. The kimono adds a touch of refined charm while keeping you feeling professional and confident.

Meet with collegues / Spend day on a beach

Lunch date with your friends or beloved one/

Visit art gallery / Make a shopping day


Afternoon sonata

Layer your kimono over a silk blouse and palazzo pants for effective and catching outfit. The kimono adds a touch of refined charm while keeping you feeling professional and confident.

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Brunch with friends


oversize jacket + slingbacks+ pyjama

Seek art inspiration


silk blouse + palazzo pants + kimono

Go for a shopping


tank top + jeans + kimono

Go on a date


silk dress + scarf + kimono

Evening elegance

Dress it up with a golden or pearl necklace with silk dress and slingbacks for a glamorous night out. The kimono, paired with a feminine layer, creates silhouette of a delicate orchid in the garden.

Have a dinner in a restaurant /

Enjoy a movie night/ Attend concert or a theater

Stand out in the cocktail party

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Evening elegance

Dress it up with a golden or pearl necklace with silk dress and slingbacks for a glamorous night out. The kimono, paired with a feminine layer, creates silhouette of a delicate orchid in the garden.

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Dine out


silk dress + golden earrings + kimono

Enjoy theater night


oversized jacket + massive jewelry + belt + pyjama

Have a movie night


tank top + jeans + kimono

Party the night away


silk blouse + palazzo pants + kimono

Step to your

inner  elegance

Step to your inner elegance

bohemian chic.png__PID:c4489e23-8a1e-493f-b312-d90107e03d55
ищруьшфт сршс ьщишду.png__PID:a20988b8-0a44-4dd0-ba81-4141bfe44da4